Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My 1st post and my foundation collection

Hello and welcome to my blog!So this would be my first post(having that in mind I hope my unprofessionalism won't bother u:))
So lets start with my small collection of foundations
So foundations I am using at the moment are:Bourjois Healthy mix foundation,MAC Pro longwear,Make Up For Ever Liquid Lift Foundation,Garnier BB Cream(for oily/combination skin)and lastly but not the least important of them all bareMinerals Original foundation!:)
Now let me start off by telling u that in each and every of these foundations I have something I like...It would be best if only the pros of foundations could be part of only ONE foundation.

Anyhow I will tell u here only about my favorite foundation since I am going to post reviews of other later on!

So my favorite would have to be......Makeup For Ever Liquid Lift!I have it in shade 2 but I believe that my best match would be mix of 2 and 4(for reference I am NC 25 in MAC in winter and NC30 during summertime).Now this is a brief description of it by Sephora:

What it is:
An oil-free, medium-coverage liquid foundation that gives the appearance of firmer, lifted skin. 

What it does:
Formulated with Polylift, Liquid Lift Foundation enhances the elasticity of the skin and smooths fine lines and wrinkles for an even complexion. Its lightweight texture creates a natural, dewy finish and moisturizes the skin for a supple, smooth result.

What else you need to know:
This product is ideal for combination, dry, and mature skin.

Since I am still a teenager and I don't have fine lines and wrinkles I can't tell how it works for mature skin(but I am sure it would not settle in pores and fine lines,cause it's really light so I suggest you to get a sample of it or try it out in Sephora).
My skin type is combination(my T zone is kind of oily but my forehead can get also dry sometimes-weird I know?!!!,and my cheeks are dry).This foundation feels pretty light on skin not like you are wearing a foundation,it feels good on my dry areas-it does not dry them out even more,but it doesn't keep my oily areas from getting oily and shiny.The coverage is around medium which is quite good-it covers redness,nicely evens out skin tone,coves mostly my blemishes although if u want all your imperfections to be seamless u will need a good concealer on top of it.The staying power is good-it lasts me around 5,6 hours without any primer,setting spray/powder.I have really sensitive skin and many foundations break me out.This one hasn't!So it does moisturize nicely,the finish is dewy but not greasy,or shiny.It has a smell but it's nice and I don't mind it.The package:it's glass bottle which is good(I have dropped it couple times and nothing-no scratches,it's still alive!:)) and it's pretty too,but quite heavy!You get 30 ml or 1.01 oz of product for 44$ or 38 euros-that is how much I paid 4 it in Sephora in Italy.

This product is ideal for dry and mature,it could be ok for combination,but surely not for oily skin.

  • good-medium coverage
  • moisturizes
  • doesn't make the effect of mask on face
  • isn't cakey 
  • doesn't feel heavy on skin
  • good color selection(with colors for skin  with beige,pink and olive undertones)
  • doesn't break out
  • long-lasting

  • heavy glass bottle 
  • it is not that good on oily areas
  • it has fragrance(con for those that really dislike this feature)
Zdravo svima i dobrodosli na moj blog!Buduci da mi je ovo 1.post i da nisam bas vesta u ovome nadam se da mi necete zameriti na neprofesionalnosti...:))
Dakle sto se moje male kolekcije pudera tice,imam:Bourjois Healthy mix foundation,MAC Pro longwear,Make Up For Ever Liquid Lift,Garnier BB cream za mesovitu/masnu kozu i bareMinerals puder u prahu.Kod svakog od ovih pudera postoji nesto sto mi se svidja,i najvise bih volela kada bi sve dobre osobine pudera mogle da se nadju u jednom(za takav jos nisam cula nazalost).
Moj favorit bi bio Make Up For Ever Liquid Lift.Ja sam u nijansi 2 mada bi mi najbolje pristajala kombinacija 2 i 4(u MAC-u sam NC25 zimi a leti NC 30).Kako ga Seohora opisuje mozete procitati gore.

Buduci da sam tinejdzerka i nemam problema sa borama,porama(rimuje se:))itd. ne mogu za sigurno da kazem kakav bi bio za zreliju kozu mada pretpostavljam da bi bio bas dobar jer pise da je namenjen takvoj kozi,cak i u nazivu ima lift,i lepo hidrira,lagan je,ali procenite sami...
Moja koza je kombinovana-T zona mi je masna(a celo mi je ponekad i suvo)a obrazi su suvi.I koza mi je jako osetljiva(koja kombinacija,ha?!!!:))
Ovaj puder je lagan na kozi,gotovo se i ne oseca,poprilicno je dugotrajan-meni traje 5,6 sati savrseno bez prajmera,pudera preko ili bilo cega dr.,a posle toga po malo bledi...Lepo pokriva crvenilo,i nesavrsenosti.Meni ujednaci ten,pokrije solidno bubuljice...ali da se one stvarno ne bi videle morala bih da stavim dobar korektor preko.Bocica je staklena-pomalo teska(meni je par puta pao doduse sa male visine ali je preziveo,prosao je cak i bez ogrebotina!:))Gotovo se i ne vidi na kozi-nije bas nevidjiv pogotovu ako se bas zagledam i lepo priblizim ogledalu vidi se.Na veliku moju zalost,nema ga kod nas,kao i dostaaaaaaaaaaa proizvoda:((Ja sam ga kupila kad sam bila na razmeni studenata sa skolom u Italiji-u Sephori u Milanu tacnijee:D  Za 30 ml proizvoda sam platila oko 38eura prosle godine.

Dobre strane:

  • dobro-srednje prekrivanje
  • hidrira
  • lepo izgelda na kozi-ne stvara efekat maske
  • nije tezak na licu
  • ne izaziva bubuljice
  • dugotrajan je
  • dobar izbor nijansi-sa podtonovima:bez,roze,maslinastim
Lose strane:

  • bocica je staklena i teska
  • nije dobar za masniju kozu
  • ima miris-sto nekima moze smetati

Ovaj proizvod je idealan za suvu i zreliju kozu,ok je za mesovitu,ali ga ne preporucujem onima sa masnom kozom.

Thank you 4 stopping by and reding my blog!If u like it subscribe!Till the next post
xoxo Maja:D
Hvala sto ste me posetili i citali moj blog!Ako vam se svidja molim vas subscribujte se.Do sledeceg posta
xoxo Maja:D

*Any suggestion/comment is welcome!!!:)
*Bilo koja vrsta sugestije/komentara je dobrodosla!!!:)